Saturday, December 31, 2022

Hello South Korea. Hello France

 I rarely look at the statistics for my blog. I don't run ads and have no reason to check how many people are clicking on my blog. I know I don't have a lot of readers but that isn't the point for me. I do this blog, as selfish as it sounds, for me. I enjoy it. I love going to automotive events and usually do so with my youngest son who is now a man in his own right.

Still, curiosity gets the better of me from time to time and I take a look at those numbers. Honestly, there aren't very many. Occasionally, like the other day, I will get a huge surge in clicks from one country or another. For example the other day I had 117 views from Germany, all within about a half hour. That tells me one person stumbled across the blog and found enough interesting to click through a number of posts.

But in checking them out recently I've noticed a trend. It seems that lately I have a group of views from both South Korea and France. Oh, the numbers from those countries may go up a few or more for a day but there is always a set minimum number of clicks. I like that. It tells me there are people from those countries who regularly check out the blog. It's nice to know that there are people who enjoy what I write and photograph as much as I enjoy making this. So to you I say, thank you.

If you are one of those people from South Korea or France or any where on Earth actually who regularly follows this blog, I would appreciate it if you would drop me an email at and say hello. Tell me about your favorite cars or relate any fun car stories. I would love to hear from you. Until then, Happy New Year and happy motoring.

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