Monday, April 22, 2024

Looking Back At MainStrasse

It can be a little difficult to write about a car event that happened years ago, especially one like the show at MainStrasse Village that no longer exists. When the Covid pandemic lock down hit it caused just about every show to go on hiatus and quite a few didn't return for one reason or another. One of the most popular shows in the region that fell to this fate was that held at MainStrasse. Granted, the lock down put the show on the shelf but a large construction project in and around MainStrasse Village kept it there and the organizers along with the city of Covington decided to not bring the show back. Which is a shame because this was a wonderful location that featured tree lined streets, a grassy median. along with plenty of shops, restaurants and pubs. Perhaps those are some of the reasons this event always drew a large and high quality turnout. For example, here is a Mercury Cougar, a MGB, a Ford Mustang Mach 1, a 1974 Morris Mini Cooper (yes, someone made the Mini before BMW), a 1979 MG Midget, a Triumph TR6, a 1936 Chevy Master Coupe, and another TR6.

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