Sunday, July 7, 2024

Pre-War Vintage Cars On Display At the Cincinnati Concours d'Elegance


The oldest vehicles at just about every major car event are those from prior to World War II. These Pre-War Vintage cars are filled with history. A perfect example is this 1937 S.S. 1.5 liter saloon that was part of the 46th Cincinnati Concours d'Elegance. The company began as the Swallow Side Car Company but when they branched out into making their own automobiles they shortened the name to S.S. Of course, when World War II came around there was a not so nice connotation to the name S.S., it being the initials for a major organization within the Nazi Party. With that in mind, the company changed its name to that of one of their first automobiles, Jaguar. This gorgeous saloon wasn't the only gem in this class. Also on the lawn at Alt Park was a 1937 Hudson Terraplane pick up truck, a 1938 Chevrolet Cabriolet, another 1937 S.S. 1.5 liter saloon, a 1933 Studebaker Big 6, a 1926 REO T6 - E roadster, and a 1941 Ford pick up truck.

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