Monday, August 14, 2023

Pre-War Cars At Rollin' On the River

Most of the cars put on display at the typical open car show are from the mid-1950s through the 1970s. Sure, there are some newer cars from the 80s and 90s and even more modern 21st century cars that share the field. But the cars that often draw the most attention are the oldest of the pack, those cars from before World War II. These cars are seldom seen and a lot of people fascinated by a vehicle that could be 100 years old. The 33rd Annual Rollin' On the River Car Show sponsored by the Delhi Kiwanis and held in beautiful Fernbank Park attracted a number of these "oldsters" to the event. One such car was a wonderful 1923 Ford Model T celebrating its 100th birthday. One can only hope to look that good at that age. Also at the show was a 1936 Ford coupe, a 1931 Hupmobile four door sedan, a 1938 Ford coupe, a 1931 Model A, and a poorly photographed 1935 Chevy Standard.

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